A Letter To Customer

Dear Customer

We thank you for your consistent support!

The Shandong Huiyuan Building Materials Group co., ltd is a family owned company founded in the year 1994.We have own registered brand HUIYUAN  ,it is the China Famous Trademark in the domestic waterproof product market. We started export business since year 1998 .

During the past three years ,under the COVID -19 pandemic situation,our sales suffered a huge loss in the market.For our finance purpose ,to make both domestic and overseas sales account clearly , we decided to separate the export sales from the group company (Shandong Huiyuan)

 From this year beginning ,we use the Shandong Huanuo waterproof material co.,ltd to deal with all our export business.The group company Shandong Huiyuan we only for the domestic sales .

For all the export business,we have Ms Tracy Cheng to contact directly We never authorize any other company to produce any products for us ,we only export what we manufactured.All products customers can browse our web page .

Our contacts only have mail :



Phone :0086-536-5511666/5511038

Mobil:0086-13964611949 .   

 Yours Sincerely.

                                                                 Shandong Huiyuan Group company

                                                          Shandong Huanuo waterproof material co., ltd

                                                                             Jan /31/2023


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